Artist and Musician

Jim McKee
Artist and Musician
By Lynda Cookson
Jim McKee is not a person you can forget easily. And it’s not the ‘big hair’ unruly mass of dark brown twists which frame his bearded face, or the disarming and probing eyes that crinkle so easily into a smile, which stick in your mind. It’s the feeling that you’ve met a person of substance. You’ve met someone who’s tasted vulnerability and has let it make him a wiser person. You’ve met someone who, in turn, will never forget you because he’s taken a genuine interest in you. And his handshake is something else again! If he’s not happy with it, if he feels it was a paltry greeting, he asks you to do it again – properly this time, with the valley between thumb and forefinger meeting your hand firmly in the same place while his eyes meet yours directly and openly. He’s charming and he knows it but it’s all for fun and in the name of friendship.